What is a survey?
Well a survey is downloading or signing up for something to download something or visit a site. I think this will be enough explanation about surveys.
How do we complete a survey?
We could complete a survey. But 90% of the surveys cannot be completed. You should be careful of these sites. My advice is do not try to complete a survey using your real information's. Use a website that generates fake email addresses and information's like This might not work. So you could try and make a new email with fake information's and use that information's to complete the survey. If you have a option to download a software scan the software and then download it. If these does not work the survey is not completable.
Why should I be careful of surveys.
Most of the survey providers provide surveys to sign up for something. This is to get the information of the person. They may leak it somewhere or use your personal information on some websites. There are options to download software's. Some of these are viruses, spyware or a malware. So the software's may harm your PC.
Don't download survey by passers or skippers.
In my experience all of the survey by passers or skippers are fake. Some of the software itself is also a survey. Most of the software's are viruses, spywares or malwares.
hey! I don't think that's enough about surveys