Pressure Pick
This quick to set up
trick requires only a deck of cards and their cardboard packet ( This stunt
tends to work better with a newer deck of cards.
Remove the cards from
their packet and ask a member of your audience to shuuffle the deck, remove a
card without you seeing the card and then hand you back the rest of the deck.
Now place the cards back
in their packet and hold out the packet of cards to the audience member and ask
them to place their card back into the middle of the deck ( Make sure that you
are gripping the packet firmly so that a little pressure needs to be applied to
push the card back into the deck )
You can now turn around
from your spectator for a moment and pull the cards approximately half way out
of their packet. You will find that one card is sticking out a little bit from
the others . This will be your spectator's secret card.
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